AUGUST 20, 2013 | for HIV/AIDS
Tamil Nadu State AIDS Control Society commits to using TeachAids across state of 72 million
Joining other Indian states such as Assam and Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu has made a formal commitment to use the TeachAids software as part of its HIV prevention and behavior change communication campaign.
The Tamil Nadu State AIDS Control Society (TANSACS) partnered with TeachAids to develop culturally appropriate animations. The locally customized materials will be integrated into the TANSACS Information Education Communications (IEC) materials and formally distributed across their network.
“I would like to express my appreciation for the efforts put in by TeachAids team in producing this awareness video. It is great to know about your projects on behavior change communication initiatives in the field of health communication and working with celebrities to communicate key messages since they are the influential people in society, especially for the youth population, a target group.”
– Rajendra Ratnoo, Project Director and Member Secretary, Tamil Nadu State AIDS Control Society
The TeachAids animations will be used across the state to reach various groups of people, including youth, migrants, SHG members, and the general public. The videos will be used in schools, colleges, mobile clinics, and during outreach related campaigns. They will also be shown during mainstream activities with various government departments, private organizations, and self-help groups.
The Indian state Tamil Nadu, located at the southern tip of the country, is the eleventh largest state by area and the seventh most populous with 70+ million inhabitants. Bordered by Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and the Bay of Bengal, the state is known for its eclectic music, festivals, and culture.
With the support of experts across the Tamil film industry, TeachAids is working with state officials and other local health-related organizations to identify the most appropriate cultural icons to star in the animated productions.