NOVEMBER 30, 2020 | for HIV/AIDS
World AIDS Day 2020: Around the globe in 24 Hours
It’s been nearly four decades since the discovery of HIV. From developing impactful therapies to building more effective education, our world has made great strides in tackling this problem. We will continue the battle together till it is won.
In commemoration of this World AIDS Day (Dec. 1st), TeachAids brings you individual stories from around the globe of local heroes who have worked tirelessly to bring HIV education to their communities.
Of the 82 countries where TeachAids animations have been disseminated, below are a few vignettes to celebrate our local heroes.
Despite their challenges, each social entrepreneur and organization have found their own creative ways to share the TeachAids animations to educate their friends and loved ones. Some lacked electricity. Some lacked infrastructure. But their commonality was their passionate spirit to overcome all odds and deliver HIV education to the last mile.
- In Tibet, we're proud of the Central Tibetan Administration who organised a screening of the TeachAids software in Tibetan to educate community members on HIV prevention and strengthen the public health services of the community. Read more.
- In China, we celebrate the Fuyang AIDS Orphan Salvation Association and the AIDS Policy Research Institute at Tsinghua University who helped build our Mandarin animations. They distributed our HIV prevention education in schools nationwide. Read more.
- In Laos, we applaud Miss Bethany for bringing the TeachAids education to the leadership at the Fruit Friends nonprofit. Together they worked to educate villagers about health, agricultural and entrepreneurial opportunities. Read more.
- In Nepal, we celebrate the Association of Medical Doctors of Asia and the office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees for their heroic efforts to provide HIV education to young refugees from Bhutan during their health seminars. Read more.
- In India, we recognize the incredible efforts of army doctor, Pankaj Singh Poswal, who screened TeachAids animations for 700 soldiers and civilians in Arunachal Pradesh to increase awareness and treatment methods for HIV. Read more.
- In Ethiopia, we thank the researchers at Johns Hopkins facilitating TeachAids outreach sessions at local Youth Centers to educate over 200 adolescents regarding their health status. Read more about our champions. Read more.
- In Kenya, we're so proud of our partner, A Better Education Club, who resourcefully used a car battery and an inverter to project TeachAids animations to educate primary and secondary school students. Read more.
- In Tanzania, join us in honoring the Amani Amani Children’s Home in Moshi, which used TeachAids animations to educate street children. These youth were either directly or indirectly affected by HIV. Read more.
- In Uganda, we applaud SchoolNet Uganda, which held screenings of TeachAids materials for principals and teachers. Together they worked effectively to impart information regarding HIV prevention among children. Read more.
- In Rwanda, we commend ONE UN Rwanda and UNICEF, for screening the TeachAids tutorials during the 2010 FIFA World Cup games in Umuganda Stadium to promote awareness of HIV prevention. This was a part of ‘The World Cup In My Village’ project. Read more.
- In Namibia, we celebrate the Peace Corps volunteers who identified and bridged the broken link between HIV awareness and knowledge gains by integrating TeachAids materials in schools. Join us in applauding our heroes! Read more.
- In Zambia, we thank the Peace Corps for educating women visiting newborn or family planning clinics in Matushi, a remote region in northwestern Zambia. The TeachAids software was distributed in the village as well as to the Ministry of Health. Read more.
- In Zimbabwe, we applaud the tireless efforts of Diocese of Mutare Community Care Program to educate preteens in Manicaland about HIV prevention and promote behavior change. Read more.
- In South Africa, we honor the passionate efforts of Pastor Bobby Rungasamy Freddy, Founder of Kannama Care Centre, and his team in imparting accurate knowledge about HIV and AIDS to over 1000+ children, youth and adults. Read more.
- In Botswana, we thank their govt and UNICEF for naming June 15th “National TeachAids Day”. This call to action encourages continued education about HIV. We are honored that a day was named to celebrate TeachAids and the work we do. Read more.
- In the Republic of Congo, we proudly recognize Virginie Lubino, an occupational therapist. She conducted training for teenagers in Lubumbashi that focused on substance use & HIV prevention. Read more.
- In Cameroon, we celebrate Ms. Nelly Shella, an educator with Rural Women Development Center, who used TeachAids programs to facilitate discussions on HIV/AIDS with school children. Read more.
- In Liberia, applaud the efforts of Mrs. Agatha Borbor for bringing HIV education to those in her community with hearing disabilities. She used sign language complemented by the TeachAids Educator Handbook. Read more.
- In Ghana, we honor the Eglise Du Christianisme Celeste-Luli Parish who arranged TeachAids education sessions for health workers, religious leaders and community members with the aim of eradicating the virus locally. Read more.
- In Guyana, we thank Peace Corps volunteers who used TeachAids software to help educators learn and present HIV education for children with special needs. This included the blind, deaf, physically handicapped and those with behavioral issues. Read more.
- In Bolivia, we recognize Jill Huckels and the La Casa de Los Niños, who educated Bolivian children afflicted with HIV using TeachAids learning materials. We're proud of Jill's efforts in fighting stigma and spreading awareness. Read more.
- In the Dominican Republic, we commend the efforts of Clínica de Familia La Romana, which integrated TeachAids videos and other preventive health clips for patients to watch while they are in medical waiting rooms. Read more.
- In Jamaica, we celebrate Beth Thompson, a passionate healthcare professional, who leveraged the potential of local partners and TeachAids learning materials to help the people of Jamaica protect themselves from HIV. Read more.
- In the United States, we honor Harriet Huang and the Oakland International High School, CA, for adding comprehensive lessons on HIV and AIDS awareness and prevention strategies for immigrant students of grades 9-12 using TeachAids animations. Read more.
These are a handful of the countless stories which inspire us to continue this work. Thank you for all you continue to do to ensure this education reaches those who need it most.