JULY 29, 2019 | for Concussions
CrashCourse Materials Presented at Sports and Traumatic Brain Injury Conference
Earlier this month, our CrashCourse concussion education videos were shown as a component of the Sports and Traumatic Brain Injury conference in Washington. Hosted by the Northwest Brain Injury Symposium, the panel lecture took place at the Spokane Public Library on July 9, 2019. It is TeachAids’ hope that the 72 symposium attendees gained a new sense of awareness of concussions and the significance of this injury for athletes.
More specifically, the purpose of this event was to give a well-rounded approach to the phenomenon of concussions; the information presented covered prevention, diagnosis, and management of such injuries. Furthermore, the panel presented the tools for re-introducing sports after concussions, broke down the different aspects of a concussion, and highlighted the changes that a family may have to undergo as a result. The CrashCourse educational videos kicked off the panel discussion.
This presentation was delivered with the partnership of Concussion Alliance, which contributed educational materials for the conference. Concussion Alliance provides evidence-based information about the broadest range of concussion treatments, as well as search tools to find qualified healthcare providers. They work with researchers in several promising treatment fields to bring the latest information to their readers. Concussion Alliance publishes The Weekly Concussion Update, with synopses of current concussion research and news.
This conference served as a step closer to a safer and more informed athletic community. The benefactors of the Northwest Brain Injury Symposium include the Spokane Public Library, Brain Energy Support Team, Eastern Washington University and the Governor’s TBI Council of Washington. The next symposium lecture will take place this fall. TeachAids would like to thank Concussion Alliance again and is excited to see incredible organizations using our materials to educate their communities.