JUNE 2, 2020 | for COVID-19
Former Chair of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Dr. Douglas K. Owens Joins CoviDB Advisory Team
TeachAids is proud to welcome Director of the Center for Primary Care and Outcomes Research and Center for Health Policy at Stanford University, Dr. Douglas K. Owens, to the CoviDB Advisory Team. Dr. Owens is the Henry J. Kaiser, Jr. Professor of Medicine and, by courtesy, a Professor of Management Science and Engineering at Stanford University. Dr. Owens provides deep expertise in guiding the analysis of health policy and preventive care for the current COVID-19 pandemic.
Dr. Owens’ health policy research investigates technology assessment, cost-effectiveness analysis, evidence synthesis, and methods for clinical decision making and guideline development. In addition to research, Owens has served as Vice-Chair and Chair of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, which develops national guidelines on preventive care. The task force creates evidence-based recommendations about these services and annually reports gaps in this field of research to Congress.
Dr. Owens was also a member of the 2nd Panel on Cost Effectiveness in Health and Medicine, which developed guidelines on the conduct of cost-effectiveness analyses published in 2016. In 2019, Owens received a MERIT Award from the National Institutes on Drug Abuse for his work on HIV, HCV, and the opioid epidemic.
Dr. Owens co-directs three fellowship programs in health services research including the Stanford-AHRQ Fellowship Program in Health Policy at Stanford.
As an advisor for TeachAids projects for 10 years, Dr. Owens helped shape our HIV and CrashCourse initiatives used around the world. We are grateful for his continued support as we scale our efforts to include education on COVID-19.