JULY 1, 2016 | for HIV/AIDS

Fellows receive Stanford scholarships to work full-time at TeachAids

Generous scholarships from the Haas Center for Public Service have transformed three Stanford undergraduates into full-time TeachAids fellows. Guided by the legacy of their predecessors, this year’s summer team has begun to explore the next frontiers of health education.

Recipient of the Cardinal Course Fellowship from the Haas Center for Public Service, Human Biology major Mady Weiss ‘18 has been working with a larger team to research future health topics for TeachAids to expand into.

“Working for a nonprofit organization like TeachAids is such a valuable opportunity to contribute to the community,” Mady said. “Every single thing TeachAids executes, every single person with whom we interact with, we do so with a commitment to justice and to upholding the dignity of people who may not have access to potentially life-saving information.”

Experiencing public service through a spiritual lens, Riley Wilson ‘19 received the Spirituality, Service and Social Change Fellowship from the Haas Center. He focuses on processing data and documenting TeachAids 100+ products, ultimately extending it to new interfaces.

Working alongside Riley on data organization, Human Biology major Raga Ayyagari ‘17 is a recipient of the Social E Fellowship. Supported by the Haas Center and the Stanford Social Entrepreneurial Students’ Association (SENSA), the Social E Fellows explore public service under the mentorship of a well-established social entrepreneur. Raga is researching and storing information from hundreds of partner organizations about how people worldwide use the TeachAIDS materials.

“It is a team with a culture of hard work and kindness which resonated with my values,” Raga said. “I feel like I’ve joined an ongoing family, which I’m really grateful for.”

Connecting learners worldwide begins with connections in the office — the relationships the team members start with equal opportunity and collaboration, and extend far beyond the workplace.

“We can share these really funny and personal moments, which make the work we do even stronger and more meaningful,” Mady said. “This has been a life-changing opportunity.”