MARCH 1, 2019 | for Concussions
Football Great Coby Fleener Tackles Concussion Issues as TeachAids Advisor
Photo Credit: Charles LeClaire/USA TODAY Sports
NFL tight end Coby Fleener has no shortage of impressive achievements, all starting from his collegiate career at Stanford. Commended by the university as “one of the most productive tight ends in school history”, Fleener scored a record eighteen career touchdowns, seventeen of which were in his last two seasons, ranking him among Stanford’s all-time best tight ends such as Tony Hill and Vincent White.
After being named an All-American athlete his senior year, Fleener was drafted in 2012 by the Indianapolis Colts. He played for the Colts for four seasons, most notably scoring a key touchdown to secure a 45-44 victory against the Kansas City Chiefs during the Colts’ playoff game in 2013. In 2016, Fleener signed on to the New Orleans Saints, rounding out the 2016 season with an impressive 50 receptions for 631 yards and three touchdowns.
As a football veteran, Fleener knows that with the highlights of this thrilling, fast-paced, and demanding sport also come staggering risks of injury and concussion. It was his own experiences with multiple concussions through his Stanford and NFL career, as well as witnessing concussions among his teammates and peers, that motivated him to join the TeachAids team. As a TeachAids Advisor, Fleener lends his voice and experiences to the world’s first interactive virtual reality concussion curriculum, CrashCourse.
In addition to his role as Advisor, Fleener is also an advisor to SyncThink, a company that uses eye tracking information to gauge cognitive and motor impairments. A natural leader both on and off of the field, Coby Fleener is dedicated to playing the game at his best while simultaneously providing much needed support to educate younger generations of athletes to elevate sports and play at their best.