DECEMBER 29, 2011 | for HIV/AIDS

TeachAids shown as part of “Getting to Zero” campaign in Lagos, Nigeria

Aligned with the United Nation’s 2011 World AIDS Day campaign, HACEY’s Health Initiative organized an advocacy program on the theme “Getting to zero – The role we play”. The goal behind the campaign is to have zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination, and zero AIDS-related deaths by 2015. As part of the campaign efforts, HACEY showcased the TeachAids software to more than 250 high school students and community stakeholders.

Held at the Arts Theatre at the University of Lagos, Akoka, the goal of using the TeachAids tutorials were two-fold. First, HACEY used them as an effort to arm young people with critical HIV prevention information, particularly around modes of HIV transmission. And, second, they were used as a springboard to prompt open discussion among young people. An expert panel consisting of representatives from the Commissioner of Health Lagos and the Nigerian Academy of Science, among others organizations, entertained questions on HIV prevalence, leadership, and prevention-related efforts, and discussed creative, collaborative strategies for the future.

Health Action Concerning the Environment and You (HACEY) is a non-governmental, non-religious, and non-political organization which is dedicated to informing and empowering youth on health-related issues. They make a special effort to reach orphans, vulnerable children, and school-going youth and young adults to promote knowledge around critical health issues. Through seminars, conferences, and publications via journals and magazines, they are able to create learning opportunities and reach their target populations.

TeachAids applauds the efforts of our partners in Nigeria to help prevent new infections among the world’s youth. We are happy to provide support to HACEY’s outreach efforts as it continues to work to educate Nigeria’s youth about HIV prevention.

Photo: Youth and young adults at the Arts Theatre at the University of Lagos participate in the “Getting to Zero” campaign.