MARCH 2, 2020 | for Concussions
Oculus Showcases CrashCourse VR Concussion Education
Less than a month after the national release of CrashCourse VR, Oculus highlighted it at their booth for the International Consumer Product Health and Safety Organization Symposium in Orlando, Florida.
At the 2020 Annual Symposium held in February, Oculus provided guided demonstrations of the CrashCourse curriculum. Their goal was to demonstrate how VR programs, like CrashCourse, can be leveraged to maximize the usefulness of safety education experiences.
Last December, we were honored to be profiled on Oculus’ VR for Good website. Their production team joined TeachAids in Arkansas where Governor Asa Hutchenson announced his state as the first in the nation to provide virtual reality-based concussion education into every public junior high and high school in the state. CrashCourse was highlighted on the VR for Good website alongside St. Jude’s Hospital, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles and other groundbreaking initiatives at the forefront of innovating with technology to serve humanity.
To download CrashCourse VR at no charge on your Oculus Go or Oculus Rift/Rift S, please visit the Oculus Store.