JULY 23, 2020 | for COVID-19
TeachAids Advisor Dr. Robert Siegel Provides Valued Guidance During COVID-19 Pandemic
Photo Credit: DJim Gensheimer, The Chronicle
We, at TeachAids, would like to recognize the medical experts working to provide clear and accessible information during the coronavirus pandemic. In particular, we thank Stanford infectious disease expert and TeachAids advisor, Dr. Robert Siegel, who has served as a medical expert for numerous local and national news outlets.
In recent pieces for Business Insider and other publications, Dr. Siegel has explained the benefits of various measures to combat the spread of COVID-19, including increasing production of testing tools and allocating more resources to laboratory scientists. He is also quoted by the San Francisco Chronicle, Mercury News, Stanford Daily, and Fox News.
Dr. Siegel was one of the first medical advisors to assist with our Prevention Begins with Me research. Since then, he has been a long-standing supporter of TeachAids, contributing his expertise in health education to new CrashCourse and CoviDB initiatives. He was a faculty mentor for student intern research on concussion legislation in the United States, and provided key insights for the recently launched Brain Fly-Through product.
We are so grateful to Dr. Siegel for his contributions to public health.