Tag: Stanford University School of Medicine

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Dr. Maya Yutsis Addresses Key Information on Cognitive Functions (Mental Activities) and Concussions

Our final feature from the CrashCourse Concussion Story Wall is from leading neuropsychology expert, Dr. Maya Yutsis. In this interactive database, Dr. Yutsis discusses the following key topics: What is cognitive function? How are they related to concussions? What are the best ways to manage these symptoms? What to do if symptoms persist or worsen? When can one return...

AUGUST 31, 2020 | for COVID-19

TeachAids Advisor Tina Seelig speaks on "Disrupting Education" in the midst of COVID-19

Long time TeachAids advisor Tina Seelig joins our CoviDB Advisory Board with insights on how to sprint towards our future and not rush back to the past. In her recent article titled Disrupting Education — Let’s not waste this crisis, she advises on ways to optimize learning amidst the pandemic. Seelig has written guidelines for...