Tag: Stanford’s Center for Innovation in Global Health (CIGH)

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MARCH 27, 2024 | for COVID-19

CoviDB: Making meaning out of chaos

Published: 03/22/2024 at the Stanford Center for Innovation and Global Health By Jamie Hansen, Global Health Communications Manager STUDENTS, FACULTY, AND OTHER VOLUNTEERS GATHER FOR A COVIDB RESOURCE COLLECTION MEETING DURING THE PANDEMIC. PHOTO COURTESY OF TEACHAIDS Ryan Crowley ‘21 was a junior studying biomedical computation and excited about a career in healthcare when the COVID-19 pandemic struck...

FEBRUARY 1, 2021 | for COVID-19

TeachAids Launches COVID-19 Educational Platform for Kids

TeachAids announces CoviDB for Kids, a global platform for organizing age-appropriate  resources and learning materials. CoviDB For Kids is an interactive database that fills a gap in the online learning space for youth to understand in their language about COVID-19. Among the topics specifically covered are daily challenges such as social distancing, hand washing, face...