Tag: Uganda
The latest news from our team, partners, and supporters.
OCTOBER 2, 2014 | for HIV/AIDS
Action for the Needy uses TeachAids to overcome barriers in rural Uganda
In Uganda, the landscape for HIV continues to change. After successfully decreasing HIV prevalence rates in the 1990s, they have been on the rise since 2006. Uganda still faces a prevalence of 7.2% (10th highest globally), or 1.4 million people living with HIV (6th highest globally). Yet, less than 40% of young people in the...
AUGUST 29, 2014 | for HIV/AIDS
Ugandan leader mobilizes volunteers to share TeachAids with over 1,000 in Zimbabwe
“The project received overwhelming support from local community members and leaders... Also the project managed to reach the communities which were usually starved of HIV/AIDS information due to the nature of the teaching media.” - Alex Guma, Volunteer Educator Despite not having support from or affiliation with any formal organization, Alex Guma, a Ugandan transplant in...
FEBRUARY 3, 2014 | for HIV/AIDS
SchoolNet Uganda uses TeachAids to train and empower educators
Like other resource-limited countries, Uganda faces educational barriers with sparse access to computers, projectors, and even electricity in their schools. However, one organization is committed to supporting Uganda’s teachers and administrators to overcome such challenges by providing technology and training in these communities. SchoolNet Uganda, a program started in 1997 and supported by the World Links...
SEPTEMBER 17, 2013 | for HIV/AIDS
Children in Eastern Uganda learn from TeachAids animations
“The coordinators of our charity work in Uganda were very excited to see the videos." – Dr. Darren Creek, Coordinator for Let the Needy Smile Raising public awareness about HIV and AIDS is a major activity of Let the Needy Smile (LTNS), a local community-based organization that is dedicated to HIV prevention, testing, treatment, and healthy...
MARCH 5, 2013 | for HIV/AIDS
TeachAids software used to educate youth in Uganda
Uganda is slightly smaller than the state of Oregon. It is a country of beautiful plateaus, towering mountains, and tropical forests. Lake Victoria, the largest lake in Africa by area, is considered the “pearl” of Uganda and feeds into the Nile River. With 1.2 million people living with HIV, including 150,000 children, Children of Grace, a...