JULY 7, 2020 | for COVID-19

Violence Against Women During COVID-19

As shelter-in-place orders went into effect in response to the global outbreak of COVID-19, staying home became an act of safety. However, although social distancing has protected a large portion of the world’s population, the isolation and unrest associated with the practice have created dangerous circumstances for many women who are experiencing violence.

In “normal” times, one out of three women will experience gender-based violence in her lifetime.  In 2020, rates of domestic violence have risen dramatically as factors such as widespread financial stress, increased substance use, and general anxiety have triggered the frequency and severity of incidents. At the same time, women have less contact with personal support networks and less access to legal, social, and health service systems that may provide lifesaving resources for them. The result of these compounding factors is what experts have described as the “invisible pandemic” of violence against women during the COVID-19 crisis. 

In Episode 3 of the CoviDB Speaker Series, we discuss the complexities of these urgent issues with author and professor Anne Firth Murray, a leading voice in the fields of women’s health and human rights.  One of a group of women nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize and the Founding President of the Global Fund For Women, Ms. Murray has been a valued member of the TeachAids advisory board since 2009. She is the author of two books on health and human rights: Paradigm Found: Leading and Managing for Positive Change and From Outrage to Courage: The Unjust and Unhealthy Situation of Women in Poorer Countries and What They Are Doing About It.

The COVID-19 crisis has shed light on the root causes and exacerbating factors of violence against women, presenting an opportunity to create new safety nets for those who experience violence and consider prevention approaches. We are honored that Ms. Murray has shared her expertise and insight as a global advocate for women’s wellbeing in the CoviDB Speaker Series.

Join us in this conversation by viewing the latest episode: https://youtu.be/Enw6Z7g3uOU.