NOVEMBER 20, 2021 | for HIV/AIDS, for Concussions, for COVID-19

World Children’s Day

“There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children.”  — Nelson Mandela, Former President of South Africa

Children have faced numerous challenges during the period of the pandemic - with disruptions coming at a particularly crucial time in their physical, emotional and social development. Many children have witnessed firsthand the lingering impacts of COVID-19 on their family’s health, finances and well-being. Some have also had to deal with the devastating loss of a family member or loved one. The Lancet Journal estimates that globally, an overwhelming 1,134,000 children lost their primary caregivers while 1,562,000 children suffered the loss of at least one primary or secondary caregiver. Children in low-income and disadvantaged households have additionally suffered food and housing insecurity. Others have not been able to access routine health appointments and specialized care. Children have also had to adapt to a more isolated school experience, with increased use of technology and a whole ‘new normal’. Undoubtedly, the past year-and-a-half has taken a toll on their emotional and mental health that may persist into their growing years. Nevertheless, children have demonstrated resilience, adaptability and perseverance through this time - learning and growing in their empathy, knowledge, and sensibilities at a rapid pace. 

Reversing the adverse effects of COVID-19 will take a coordinated global effort as we rethink policies and practices surrounding education, healthcare, safety, access to technology, and infrastructure. Rebuilding a world of hope, and equitability for the youth will be critical to shaping a brighter future for children. At TeachAids, we’ve committed to joining this fight to help support children during this challenging time. 

Most recently, TeachAids developed a CoviDB for Kids resource that consolidated and organised relevant, timely information on COVID-19. It was designed to help aid parents and children to better deal with the complexities of an unprecedented pandemic. The free, interactive database fills the niche need for trusted, expert information at a critical time, delivered through online education in a manner that is both engaging and understandable for children. Ranging from age-appropriate material for 3 to 12-year-olds, this global platform covers a range of topics from social distancing and COVID appropriate behavior to mental health and more. 

Working towards building a better world for children will involve the use of innovative thinking and empathetic responses that address specific needs. It is imperative that we all come together - whether academics, tech experts, animators, health workers, parents or peers to craft the kind of environment that is conducive to nurturing the future leaders of tomorrow. Always takes a village.