Tag: Former President Festus Mogae

The latest news from our team, partners, and supporters.

NOVEMBER 30, 2020 | for HIV/AIDS

World AIDS Day 2020: Around the globe in 24 Hours

It’s been nearly four decades since the discovery of HIV. From developing impactful therapies to building more effective education, our world has made great strides in tackling this problem. We will continue the battle together till it is won. In commemoration of this World AIDS Day (Dec. 1st), TeachAids brings you individual stories from around the...

MARCH 19, 2015 | for HIV/AIDS

Educator brings TeachAIDS software to over 700 students

“Youth is such an exciting time. I want to encourage you to take full advantage of the opportunities around you…However, childhood also has its challenges.  Too often the dreams of our youth are compromised by things like teenage pregnancy, sexual abuse, intergenerational sex, and especially HIV and AIDS. The information you need to protect yourself...

JUNE 15, 2012 | for HIV/AIDS

Botswana names June 15th as “TeachAids Day”

Botswana has recognized June 15th as its national "TeachAids Day". The Ministry of Education has worked with local partners to host screenings of the TeachAids animations in school districts, local businesses, and NGOs throughout the country. The government of Botswana has long been a leader in the fight against HIV, promoting innovative approaches to treatment for...