Tag: Fruit Friends

The latest news from our team, partners, and supporters.

NOVEMBER 30, 2020 | for HIV/AIDS

World AIDS Day 2020: Around the globe in 24 Hours

It’s been nearly four decades since the discovery of HIV. From developing impactful therapies to building more effective education, our world has made great strides in tackling this problem. We will continue the battle together till it is won. In commemoration of this World AIDS Day (Dec. 1st), TeachAids brings you individual stories from around the...

MARCH 15, 2016 | for HIV/AIDS

Fruit Friends staff in Laos receive HIV education

Honored to work with the prestigious nonprofit Fruit Friends, Bethany diligently worked with their leadership to provide educational, agricultural and entrepreneurial opportunities to remote villages.   Having heard about TeachAids through family connections, Bethany was determined to provide HIV education to her colleagues in Laos upon arrival. Aware that her computer was unlikely to survive more than...