Tag: Global Health

The latest news from our team, partners, and supporters.

MARCH 27, 2024 | for COVID-19

CoviDB: Making meaning out of chaos

Published: 03/22/2024 at the Stanford Center for Innovation and Global Health By Jamie Hansen, Global Health Communications Manager STUDENTS, FACULTY, AND OTHER VOLUNTEERS GATHER FOR A COVIDB RESOURCE COLLECTION MEETING DURING THE PANDEMIC. PHOTO COURTESY OF TEACHAIDS Ryan Crowley ‘21 was a junior studying biomedical computation and excited about a career in healthcare when the COVID-19 pandemic struck...

APRIL 7, 2022 | for HIV/AIDS, for CONCUSSIONS, for COVID-19

World Health Day

The World Health Organization (WHO) has celebrated World Health Day on April 7th since 1950 to shine a light on critical global health issues. Over the years, themes have ranged from mental health issues and infectious diseases to food safety, climate change and creating healthy cities. Health impacts every aspect of our life and in turn...

MAY 11, 2021 | for HIV/AIDS, for CONCUSSIONS, for COVID-19

TeachAids Founder, Dr. Piya Sorcar, to be Honored at the 37th Annual YWCA Golden Gate Silicon Valley Tribute to Women Awards

TeachAids proudly announces that its Founder, Dr. Piya Sorcar, will be honored at the 37th Annual YWCA Golden Gate Silicon Valley Tribute to Women Awards, presented by Cisco during a virtual event Thursday, May 13, 2021, 6:00 – 7:00 PM (PST). Registration to the event is free at bit.ly/Tribute2021 and viewers can join from anywhere....

AUGUST 14, 2020 | for COVID-19

Medical Expert Dr. Mahadevan Joins CoviDB Advisory Board

Photo Credit: Stanford Health Care TeachAids is proud to welcome the Director of Global Affairs and Strategy for Stanford Medicine, Dr. Mahadevan, to the CoviDB Advisory Team. Dr. Mahadevan’s deep expertise as a leader, professor, and global health authority is invaluable as we build a platform to organize resources relating to the COVID-19 pandemic.  After his initial...