Tag: Harvard University

The latest news from our team, partners, and supporters.

MAY 13, 2021 | for CONCUSSIONS, for COVID-19

Dr. Dan Daneshvar Receives Harvard Medical School Award for his Role with TeachAids

TeachAids is proud to announce that Dr. Dan Daneshvar has received the Dean’s Community Service Award from Harvard Medical School for his work on the CrashCourse initiative at TeachAids. The Dean’s Community Service Award is presented to those who make outstanding personal efforts to serve their community. Few exemplify this quality better than Dr. Daneshvar. He...

JUNE 25, 2020 | for COVID-19

Personal Physician to his Holiness the Dalai Lama, Dr. Tsetan Dorji Sadutshang Joins CoviDB Advisory Team

TeachAids is proud to welcome the Chief Medical Officer of Delek Hospital in Dharamsala, India, Dr. Tsetan Dorji Sadutshang, to the CoviDB Advisory Team. Dr. Tsetan provides his deep expertise in evidence-based global public health interventions as we collectively address the COVID-19 pandemic.  Since 1988, Dr. Tsetan has served as Personal Physician to His Holiness the...

APRIL 5, 2020 | for COVID-19

TeachAids and Faculty and Students from Leading Universities Launch CoviDB.org, a Platform for Global Coronavirus Resources

Dear friends,   We wish you and your family good health in these difficult times.  Over the last week, we’ve brainstormed on the best way to harness our global health community and support those suffering from the COVID-19 pandemic. For over 10 years, we’ve believed that one of the best ways to address a health crisis is to arm...

NOVEMBER 21, 2015 | for HIV/AIDS

His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s personal physician plays animated character in latest TeachAids software

“My message to, especially the young people who watch this animation, would be that HIV and AIDS is all about human behavior and attitude. It’s about a universal responsibility that His Holiness the Dalai Lama has always been talking about and that’s just not about taking care of only yourself, but taking care of everyone...