Tag: HIV Education
The latest news from our team, partners, and supporters.
SEPTEMBER 28, 2023 | for HIV/AIDS, for CONCUSSIONS, for COVID-19
International Translation Day 2023
International Translation Day provides a valuable opportunity to pay tribute to language professionals, whose contributions foster cross-cultural dialogue and promote unity among nations. Their pivotal role extends to bridging language gaps in vital domains, particularly in healthcare, where access to education is paramount. Vulnerable populations often reside in remote regions worldwide, where a lack of linguistic...
DECEMBER 1, 2021 | for HIV/AIDS
World AIDS Day 2021: Giving Thanks
The pandemic has highlighted many vulnerabilities in our global health systems. Simultaneously it has revealed what working together, as a united force, can accomplish. This World AIDS Day we give thanks to the many people who have worked to help educate our global communities, particularly those who have invested in ensuring evidence-based content reached the last...
OCTOBER 5, 2021 | for HIV/AIDS, for CONCUSSIONS, for COVID-19
World Teachers Day
Education is much more than a matter of imparting the knowledge and skills by which narrow goals are achieved. It is also about opening the child’s eyes to the needs and rights of others. ― Dalai Lama World Teachers' Day is commemorated every year on October 5 to celebrate the invaluable contributions that teachers make to education...
JUNE 1, 2021 | for HIV/AIDS, for CONCUSSIONS, for COVID-19
Global Day of Parents
Every year since 2012, the General Assembly honors parents on June 1 for their “selfless commitment to children and their lifelong sacrifice towards nurturing this relationship.” Parental figures are anchors for youth and children, creating a safety net for them and laying a solid foundation for their long-term success. Research suggests that the parent-child relationship has...
MAY 11, 2021 | for HIV/AIDS, for CONCUSSIONS, for COVID-19
TeachAids Founder, Dr. Piya Sorcar, to be Honored at the 37th Annual YWCA Golden Gate Silicon Valley Tribute to Women Awards
TeachAids proudly announces that its Founder, Dr. Piya Sorcar, will be honored at the 37th Annual YWCA Golden Gate Silicon Valley Tribute to Women Awards, presented by Cisco during a virtual event Thursday, May 13, 2021, 6:00 – 7:00 PM (PST). Registration to the event is free at bit.ly/Tribute2021 and viewers can join from anywhere....