Tag: public health

The latest news from our team, partners, and supporters.

JULY 7, 2020 | for COVID-19

Violence Against Women During COVID-19

As shelter-in-place orders went into effect in response to the global outbreak of COVID-19, staying home became an act of safety. However, although social distancing has protected a large portion of the world’s population, the isolation and unrest associated with the practice have created dangerous circumstances for many women who are experiencing violence. In “normal” times,...

JUNE 16, 2020 | for COVID-19

Privacy and Security in the Era of COVID-19

In an era where most people around the world have access to powerful computers at arm’s reach, the tech industry has grappled with the unintended consequences of balancing privacy and security. Conversations in the public eye have ranged from message encryption and device fingerprinting to location data and advertising profiles, all of which pose a...

MAY 20, 2020 | for COVID-19

Dr. George Rutherford, Head of the Division of Infectious Disease and Global Epidemiology, Joins CoviDB Advisory Team

Photo Credit: Santiago Mejia, The Chronicle TeachAids is pleased to welcome Dr. George W. Rutherford, Head of the Division of Infectious Disease and Global Epidemiology at the University of California, San Francisco to the CoviDB Advisory Team. At UCSF, he is an expert in global health epidemiology and the prevention of infectious and tropical diseases worldwide. Dr....