Tag: COVID-19

The latest news from our team, partners, and supporters.

JANUARY 25, 2022 | for HIV/AIDS, for CONCUSSIONS, for COVID-19

International Day of Education

The United Nations General Assembly observes the 24th of January each year as International Day of Education in order to emphasize the role of education in promoting peace and development. Simultaneously, in many parts of the world, education still isn’t treated as an essential public good - with broken systems, social stigma and poverty thwarting...

NOVEMBER 24, 2020 | for COVID-19

Dr. Rajiv Doshi Joins CoviDB Initiative

Dr. Rajiv Doshi, who has worked as an HIV/AIDS advisor for TeachAids for many years, will be continuing his guidance as he joins the CoviDB initiative. Dr. Doshi is an Adjunct Professor of Medicine at Stanford University and the Director of the India Program at the Byers Center for Biodesign. The goal of the India...

NOVEMBER 3, 2020 | for COVID-19

Infectious Disease Specialist Dr. D. Scott Smith Joins CoviDB Advisor Team

Dr. D. Scott Smith is the Chief of the Dept of Infectious Disease at Kaiser Permanente and an internationally recognized expert in infectious disease, parasitology, and travel medicine.  More recently he has placed a key role in Kaiser's response to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.  Dr. D. Scott Smith contributes his expertise to TeachAids’ COVID-19 response as...

AUGUST 31, 2020 | for COVID-19

TeachAids Advisor Tina Seelig speaks on "Disrupting Education" in the midst of COVID-19

Long time TeachAids advisor Tina Seelig joins our CoviDB Advisory Board with insights on how to sprint towards our future and not rush back to the past. In her recent article titled Disrupting Education — Let’s not waste this crisis, she advises on ways to optimize learning amidst the pandemic. Seelig has written guidelines for...

AUGUST 14, 2020 | for COVID-19

Medical Expert Dr. Mahadevan Joins CoviDB Advisory Board

Photo Credit: Stanford Health Care TeachAids is proud to welcome the Director of Global Affairs and Strategy for Stanford Medicine, Dr. Mahadevan, to the CoviDB Advisory Team. Dr. Mahadevan’s deep expertise as a leader, professor, and global health authority is invaluable as we build a platform to organize resources relating to the COVID-19 pandemic.  After his initial...

JULY 28, 2020 | for CONCUSSIONS, for COVID-19

Sheltering in Place as an Olympic Athlete

The sports world has been dramatically affected by COVID-19. Not only has there been an absence of events for the spectator in person and on television, but the impact on the participants themselves has been unprecedented. Due to social gathering restrictions, organized youth sports have been almost completely shuttered. High schools and colleges have been...

JULY 23, 2020 | for COVID-19

TeachAids Advisor Dr. Robert Siegel Provides Valued Guidance During COVID-19 Pandemic

Photo Credit: DJim Gensheimer, The Chronicle We, at TeachAids, would like to recognize the medical experts working to provide clear and accessible information during the coronavirus pandemic. In particular, we thank Stanford infectious disease expert and TeachAids advisor, Dr. Robert Siegel, who has served as a medical expert for numerous local and national news outlets. In recent...

JULY 7, 2020 | for COVID-19

Violence Against Women During COVID-19

As shelter-in-place orders went into effect in response to the global outbreak of COVID-19, staying home became an act of safety. However, although social distancing has protected a large portion of the world’s population, the isolation and unrest associated with the practice have created dangerous circumstances for many women who are experiencing violence. In “normal” times,...

JULY 2, 2020 | for COVID-19

Stanford Educational Innovator and TeachAids Advisor to Guide CoviDB

An innovator in the fields of technology and education, Dr. Roy Pea has served as a valued member of the CrashCourse advisory committee throughout our curriculum development. We are grateful that he will continue to contribute his expertise as an advisor for CoviDB as we develop information and resources for COVID-19 and its impacts on...

MAY 26, 2020 | for COVID-19

Stanford and UCSF’s leading Global Health and Education Programs Partner with TeachAids to Produce and Distribute New CoviDB Video Series

TeachAids is proud to announce partnerships with three of the world’s top global health and education institutions for our CoviDB product. Leadership from the Stanford Program on International and Cross-Cultural Education (SPICE), Stanford’s Center for Innovation in Global Health (CIGH) and the Institute for Global Health Sciences (IGHS) at the University of California, San Francisco...

APRIL 5, 2020 | for COVID-19

TeachAids and Faculty and Students from Leading Universities Launch CoviDB.org, a Platform for Global Coronavirus Resources

Dear friends,   We wish you and your family good health in these difficult times.  Over the last week, we’ve brainstormed on the best way to harness our global health community and support those suffering from the COVID-19 pandemic. For over 10 years, we’ve believed that one of the best ways to address a health crisis is to arm...