Tag: Stanford Medicine

The latest news from our team, partners, and supporters.

NOVEMBER 24, 2020 | for COVID-19

Dr. Rajiv Doshi Joins CoviDB Initiative

Dr. Rajiv Doshi, who has worked as an HIV/AIDS advisor for TeachAids for many years, will be continuing his guidance as he joins the CoviDB initiative. Dr. Doshi is an Adjunct Professor of Medicine at Stanford University and the Director of the India Program at the Byers Center for Biodesign. The goal of the India...

MAY 15, 2020 | for COVID-19

TeachAids Welcomes Dr. Michele Barry, Senior Associate Dean for Global Health at Stanford Medicine, to the CoviDB Advisory Team

TeachAids is proud to welcome Dr. Michele Barry, Senior Associate Dean for Global Health at Stanford Medicine, to the CoviDB Advisory Team. Dr. Barry is an expert in global medicine, with focused interests in clinical tropical medicine, emerging infectious diseases, problems of underserved populations, and globalization's impact on health in the developing world. As the Director...


TeachAids Advisor Dr. Maya Yutsis Returns as Team Neuropsychologist for San Francisco 49ers

Dr. Maya Yutsis is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Stanford Department of Neurological Sciences, with over a decade of specialized experience in performing neuropsychological evaluations with adults and adolescents. Dr. Yutsis holds additional roles as the team neuropsychologist for the San Francisco 49ers, lead neuropsychologist for Stanford Sports Medicine Clinic, and trusted TeachAids advisor...


TeachAids Advisors Produce Groundbreaking Concussion Subtypes Publication

We would like to extend our warmest congratulations to our advisors Dr. Angela Lumba-Brown and Dr. Jamshid Ghajar for their contributions in producing a groundbreaking manuscript that, for the first time, provides evidence-based guidelines for concussion classification. Their research, conducted along with top members of the neurology community, is an exciting next step in creating...


TeachAids Advisor Featured on a Podcast about Sports and Technology!

TeachAids advisor Dr. Daniel Daneshvar is recognized for his leadership in a major 2017 study on deceased professional football players’ brains, in which 110 of 111 showed evidence of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE). Today he is starring on FUTRSPRT, a podcast devoted to investigating the increasing presence of technology in the world of sports.  FUTRSPRT has...

JULY 18, 2019 | for CONCUSSIONS

Director of the Prevention and Public Health Group at UCSF joins CrashCourse Advisory Committee

Dr. George Rutherford is the Salvatore Pablo Lucia Professor of Epidemiology, Preventive Medicine, Pediatrics and History, and the Director of the Prevention Medicine and Public Health Group in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the School of Medicine, University of California San Francisco. Also a Professor of Pediatrics and Family and Community Medicine at...

JULY 5, 2019 | for CONCUSSIONS

TeachAids Extends Warm Gratitude to Dr. Gary Steinberg, Stanford Medicine’s Chair of Neurosurgery

Dr. Gary Steinberg is the Chair of Neurosurgery at Stanford School of Medicine, Director of the Stanford Moyamoya Center, and the founder and co-director of the Stanford Stroke Center. With over three decades of experience practicing neurosurgery at Stanford, Dr. Steinberg has developed expertise in treating brain aneurysms, Moyamoya disease, brain and spinal arteriovenous malformations,...

MAY 3, 2019 | for CONCUSSIONS

Dr. Gerald Grant, Division Chief of Stanford Medicine Pediatric Neurosurgery, joins CrashCourse Advisory Committee

We are so excited to announce that Dr. Gerald Grant has joined our advisory board as we continue to develop and distribute CrashCourse concussion education to youth across America. Recognized as one of the world’s leading concussion experts, Dr. Grant received a B.S. degree in Neurosciences from Duke University and Medical Education from the Stanford University...

APRIL 11, 2019 | for CONCUSSIONS

Dr. Geoffrey Abrams, Director of Lacob Family Sports Medicine Center, joins CrashCourse Advisory Committee

Geoffrey Abrams, Stanford orthopaedic surgeon and Director of Sports Medicine at Lacob Family Sports Medicine Center, oversees patient care for all Stanford varsity athletes while also serving as team physician for both Golden State Warriors and San Francisco 49ers. Currently, Dr. Abrams serves as Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery at Stanford Health Care and staff physician at VA Palo...

MARCH 15, 2010 | for HIV/AIDS

Expert in Children’s Health Policy serves as TeachAids Advisor

Dr. Paul Wise is the Richard E. Behrman Professor of Child Health and Society and Professor of Pediatrics and Health Policy at Stanford University School of Medicine. He is a Senior Fellow in the Center for Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law and the Center for International Security and Cooperation, in the Freeman-Spogli Institute...